Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What You Must Know

What should a FYC teacher come to class knowing? What should a FYC student come to class knowing? How can we prepare for "Plan B" when they don't?

As a FYC teacher you should know that you will never know enough. I don't think what you must know for FYC can be categorized into an easy answer. Instead, the "know" must evolve and change. In fact, the know becomes more individually oriented and tailored for each student as the semester evolves. In a class this large, I encourage my students that what they do not know, needs to be supplemented by meeting with me during office hours.

As a self-help point, I think you must have confidence in your ability to teach the given material for class that day. You must know that although you feel under prepared, you know enough to be in the classroom.

I think you must know that the students bring resentment to class. They don't want to take the required course (who does?).

To me, Plan B looks and sounds like this: "Give me 5 minutes to think about your question." or "I don't know the answer to that, but let me ask someone who does."

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