Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Writing Time

When I write, all overhead lights have to be turned off. I use the light of a single lamp. This bring me into focus for the topic at hand. I also find lamp light to be more aesthetically appealing.
I usually like for the window to be open and hear the passing sounds of cars, dogs, cats, people, etc. I write best in the fall and winter months when the air is crisp and cool. In the summer, writing is drudgery for me.
I usually have something to drink--coffee or tea.

Aside from these preferential settings that are a rarity during the semester, my actual academic writing is as follows:

I start by scratching notes in pencil on paper. These notes aren't reflective of my "official" writing time, but rather a random accumulation of thoughts and ideas jotted in passing moments of Eureka.

Research and ideas are easy for me. It is the writing-typing on the blank page that proves difficult. For academic purposes I usually have to lock myself up in the library--isolated in a cubicle to decrease my distraction to read the NY Times, go for a walk, call an old friend, etc.